CROBIES - Study on Cross-Border Interoperability of eSignatures

31.07.2010 - CROBIES final reports are out now and available from the European Commission webpage dedicated to CROBIES.
The CROBIES study looked at eSignature interoperability in general, but specifically in the context of cross-border use. While considering a consistent global and long term approach in proposed improvements at the legal, technical and trust levels, CROBIES also focused on quick wins that could substantially improve the interoperability of electronic signatures.

29.03.2010 - The final draft reports of the CROBIES Study are out now for consultation.

The CROBIES study looks at eSignature interoperability in general, but specifically in the context of cross-border use. While considering a consistent global and long term approach in proposed improvements at the legal, technical and trust levels, CROBIES is also focusing on quick wins that could substantially improve the interoperability of electronic signatures.

The global overview of the CROBIES study and of its approach is to be found in the “Head Document” of the study.

The CROBIES Study concentrates in particular on the following aspects through related work packages and their associated reports:

  • The proposal for a common model for supervision and accreditation systems of certification service providers (CSPs) issuing Qualified Certificates (QCs) (and other services ancillary to electronic signatures); WP1 Report
  • The establishment of a “Trusted List of supervised/accredited Certification Service Providers” (in particular issuing QCs); WP2 Report
  • Interoperable profiles of qualified certificates issued by supervised/accredited CSPs in Member States; WP3 Report
  • A proposed framework for interoperable Secure Signature Creation Devices (SSCDs); WP4 Report
  • A proposed model for providing guidelines and guidance for cross-border and interoperable implementation of electronic signatures; WP5-1 Report
  • A proposed Quality Classification Scheme for electronic signature (elements); WP5-2 Report
  • A note on the “Algo Paper” issue; WP5-3 Report.

The study is part of the Action Plan COM(2008) 798 on e-signatures and e-identification to facilitate the provision of cross-border public services in the Single Market adopted by the European Commission on 28.11.2008 which aims at facilitating the provision of cross-border public services in an electronic environment.

Study on the standardisation aspects of eSignatures

22.11.2007: The final report of the Study on the standardisation aspects of eSignatures conducted by SEALED is available here.

SEALED conducted a study on the standardisation aspects of eSignatures together with DLA Piper and Across communications.

Based on the effective use of eSignatures and related EU standards, this study analysed the "legal requirements / standardisation" model proposed by the Directive and provided the information and assessment needed for a possible review of the needs for standardisation in this context and to design new standardisation tasks that will serve in future to establishing trust in e-transactions/e-services.
Recommendations have been made in terms of legal, standardization and marketing tasks, as well as quick-wins for the effective mutual recognition of Qualified Electronic Signatures.

The results of the study have been presented during the European Commission Workshop "Towards interoperability and mutual recognition of eSignatures" held in Brussels on the 12th of December 2007. The presentation is available here.